“I had read about the importance of pH balancing, and even about a healing resort in Switzerland with natural moutain stream water with a pH of 9 (a little alkaline) that has healed many people of a variety of diseases. I measured the pH of my tap water to be a pH of 6 (slightly acidic), and my reverse-osmosis water to be a pH of 5.5 (more acidic!). I bought my KYK Harmony water ionizer because I was concerned about health problems caused by drinking and cooking with this water. I set it to output with a pH of 9, and my wife and I use it for all drinking and cooking water. I found that I craved this water and drank more water over the day than before because it tasted so good.
After a few days, we both noticed that our feces was dark and goopy, but there was no discomfort. This continued for about a month, and then our feces went back to normal. Since the same thing happened to both of us, and the water was the only thing we changed, we knew it was the water that caused this cleansing effect. We were surprised to get this effect since we had both been taking Primal Defense probiotic for several years. We both feel better after having switched to the KYK water ionizer.”